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A Course In Miracles Review

A Course In Miracles (ACIM) is an esoteric book that has gone mainstream, and is considered to be the Bible for spiritually-minded people who identify themselves as "spiritual but not religious." It is a self-study, spiritual thought system that consists of three books: the Text, which sets out the concepts upon which the Course is based; the Workbook for Students, a set of 365 daily lessons that emphasize experience rather than belief in a theology; and the Manual for Teachers, which extends the thought system of the Course to others.

The goal of the Course is to help you replace your fear-based beliefs with love-based ones, and learn to recognize that the true nature of God is forgiveness and love. It teaches you to practice forgiveness in all situations, which shifts your vibration from negative and angry thoughts, to higher vibrational thoughts of kindness, compassion and love. This changes your whole perception of life and the world, transforming frowns to smiles.

But this isn't an easy book to read. It can be downright overwhelming at first. After all, how could a book that states, "The greatest miracle is the recognition of your own divinity" not change the way you see yourself, other people, and the world? At times you may think it's a load of bullshit, and at other times you'll swear that you just read the most beautiful sentence in your entire life. You'll probably start quoting it in your regular conversations, and buying copies for everyone you know. You'll probably even lug it around on vacations just so you can keep reading. You'll spend lots of money and time on it, and sometimes you'll find yourself tearing the pages out or throwing them away, only to buy more copies shortly after.

Studying ACIM isn't for the faint of heart. It requires a high level of commitment, audacity and self-confidence to move past your fear. It also requires a willingness to let go of your personal history and the beliefs you have been taught throughout your life.

It takes a great deal of A course in miracles reading to understand and fully absorb all the ideas contained in the Course, and you'll likely need to make some major adjustments in your life to implement it. But once you get a handle on the principles behind it, you'll realize that this is one of the most important things you will ever do in your lifetime. It will transform the world in which you live, and will bring a peace that is truly unsurpassed.


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